Broken down? Stay safe!

Breaking down can be dangerous, particularly if you’re on a motorway. Here’s what you need to do to stay safe whist you wait for Yorkshire Rescue to arrive.
- Make sure you’re in a safe place.
- Move your vehicle off the road if possible (watch out for any soft verges), or pull up onto the hard shoulder if you’re on a motorway and can’t turn off at the next exit.
- Make sure you stop as far to the left as you can, with the wheels turned to the left.
- Put your hazard warning lights on. If it’s dark or foggy, keep your sidelights on too.
- Stay well away from moving traffic. It’s usually safest to get out of your car (using the doors facing away from passing traffic) and wait behind a barrier.
- If you’re on a motorway, move up the bank if you can. Leave animals in the car.
- Wear a reflective jacket if you have one.
- Don’t put a warning triangle on the hard shoulder if you’re on a motorway – it’s not safe.
- Call us on 0800 432 0874 if you need our help.
- Don’t attempt even a simple repair if you’re on a motorway!
To find out how maintaining the health of your vehicle is key to ensuring it’s both road safe and running efficiently speak to Andrew to find out more.